How To Change Page Background Color With ASP.NET Server Side
To change background color of ASP.NET page you need to add bgcolor parameter to <body > tag. By default, body tag is not visible to server side code. First, you need to add runat="server" attribute and some ID to body tag, like this:
<body id="PageBody" runat="server">
After that, in code behind to change background color to some other (e.g. yellow), use this code:
[ C# ]
PageBody.Attributes.Add("bgcolor", "yellow");
[ VB.NET ]
PageBody.Attributes.Add("bgcolor", "yellow")
Note that, if you use ASP.NET 1.1 you need to declare protected variable in page class, like this:
[ C# ]
class WebForm1
: System.Web.UI.Page
protected HtmlGenericControl PageBody;
[ VB.NET ]
Class WebForm1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected PageBody As
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