How to Make Great Profile Page

You might not realize it but freelance job sites are a lot like online dating sites. They're both virtual meeting places where people who have never met come together with the ultimate goal of pairing up. See the connection?

When you're dating online, you rely on your profile to call attention to your best features and to give those viewing it an idea of the type of person you are. Those that are well-written stand apart from the crowd and usually get a better response rate, too.

And that's exactly what you need when you're competing against hundreds of other service providers! A well-written profile draws attention not only to you but to your abilities and also your proven track record. Here's some advice you can use when creating your profile. If you've already got your profile set up, perhaps it can benefit from an update.

Who you are

When setting up your profile, it's okay to use a name other than your real name so if you're uncomfortable providing your full legal name, don't. You don't want to get too personal just yet! You can also go by your company name if you've got one. Either way, it's completely your choice.

Regardless of what you call yourself, consider including an image of yourself or your company logo if you don't already have one up there. An image puts a face on an otherwise anonymous work environment. It also helps put buyers at ease since there's a certain level of comfort in seeing that the person or company is "real".

What you do

Here's where the similarity to an online dating profile stops. Instead of talking about yourself, this profile should provide a complete listing of your areas of professional expertise. If you're a coder, list all programming languages in which you're proficient. If you're a copywriter, mention whether you have experience writing SEO copy, sales copy, technical copy, etc. Basically if you're experienced at it, include it. You never know what skills buyers are looking for!

What you've done

Whether or not you should post your resume as part of your profile is debatable. There's a fine line between providing just enough information and information overload. You want to tell enough about yourself to prove you're qualified but not so much that you overwhelm readers. If your past experience specifically supports what you're doing now and it's impressive, consider including it in your profile. If you've changed careers and what you've done isn't related to what you're doing now, don't.

Something that's worth considering instead is a link to an online portfolio where you can show off your best work. If you choose to do this, make sure the link works!! Also make sure your portfolio is presentable, easy-to-navigate and free of typographical and grammar errors. This cannot be stressed enough!

List of certifications

Certifications are like icing on the cake; they're further proof that you can do what you say you can do. It's not necessary to explain your certifications; listing them is sufficient. Buyers looking for specific skills know what the certifications represent.

And there you have it - the ingredients for a great profile!




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