Another product that is of interest is the NoSpamToday anti spam software. This anti spam software is a proxy server that connects your mail server to the Internet. By being in between the mail server and the Internet it filters all the junk emails from entering your mail server. This software uses a SpamAssassin engine that is used to filter out the junk emails that you receive. The SpamAssassin engine is used to add a flag to the subject line of the emails. With that you can easily identify the spam. The spam emails are quarantined so that the user can do anything with the spam emails. They can delete the spam or move to a spam folder. This software has an attachment blocker that can be used to accept or deny a particular of attachments in the incoming and outgoing emails. It also filters out the malicious attachments that come to the mail server. To configure this anti spam software you are provided with an administrative module. With this software you can use third party anti virus software and it is also possible to reject attachments from the emails. This anti spam software can be used with any SMTP server. Free tech support is also provided by the manufacturer of this product for commercial implementations.
Exclaimer is an anti spam product that is used with Exchange server. With this software you can easily add text and images to the incoming and outgoing emails so that you send professional emails with your logos and text. As with other anti spam software you can add disclaimers with your emails. Monitoring the emails that are sent is possible with this software. A copy of all the emails is send to a mailbox. This process is invisible to other users. The administrator can check this secret mailbox to monitor those activities that are going on in the company. One of the other features that are of interest is that with this software you can block or redirect an email that is intended for a particular user. A powerful feature that is available with this software is that it enables you to customize the rules and features for a particular email user. This enables you to apply different rules for different users. Support for HTML, Rich Text and other formats are there with this software. You can design your own templates for sending emails for a particular occasion. You can also have complete control of the HTML in the templates that are designed. Maintenance is minimal with this software. Auto responders are available with this software so that you can send automatic responses to the emails that you receive. When an auto response is sent is possible to add the original email as an attachment or in the body of the reply itself.
ORF Enterprise Edition
ORF Enterprise Edition is another product that is used an as anti spam solution. This product integrates with even the IIS SMTP service of the Windows 2000/2003 Servers. It can also be integrated with the Exchange Servers. Filtering and anti spam technologies are combined to protect you from spam. This software has a dual filtering model to filter emails at the protocol level so that they are filtered before arrival. It also uses databases that are available online and are updated regularly for spam characteristics. With these features you are never to receive the spam that keeps on changing. Blacklists like SpamCon and DSBL can be used with this software. Like other software the attachments can also be scanned and specific attachments can be rejected. Regular expressions can be used for keyword filtering in this software. It can also work with third party anti virus scanners. Spam that are sent with fake email ids of your domain are rejected by this software. Real time statistics are available with this anti spam software.
Another anti spam software that works with SMTP mail server and that can be integrated with Exchange server, as a plug-in is the SurfControl Email Filter software from This anti spam software can also be used as a standalone gateway. Tools for content filtering and to protect emails from viruses and other threats are integrated with this software.