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Using jQuery With ASP.NETWhat is jQuery?jQuery is a cross browser JavaScript library that
helps to traverse through HTML elements, event handling, effects(animation) and
Ajax interactions. We will see how to work on jQuery with asp.net and few of jQuery features in this article. Using jQuery in ASP.NET PageFirst of all you will require to link jQuery library to your ASP.NET page. Use below shown code in HTML code to include latest jQuery. <script
It also can be achieved using server ASP.NET side code like this: protected
override void
Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) To run any function on page load ASP.NET has inbuilt method to register startup script. Below shown example will run javascript function "helloWorld" on page load which appends text "Hello World!!" in the div with id "divSample" Example: HTML code : <html
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> C# Server-side code: protected
override void
Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
Go to jQuery "Hello World" Demo page Now you have idea how to include jQuery in ASP.NET page and run script on page load. We will see how to pass data to server and get response from server dynamically using jQuery in sections "Ajax using jQuery" and "jQuery Ajax with JSON" No we will see few of the jQuery features that are easy to learn and implement with ASP.NET. jQuery SelectorsSelectors are most useful feature in jQuery, Selectors helps to select element(s) in an HTML document. jQuery has large number of options for selectors, you can select an element or array of elements by its ID, tag name, class name, with particular attributes. There are lots options to traverse through parent and children to find out an element. Every selector returns an array of elements rather than single element; I feel this is a very helpful feature in jQuery while working with jQuery. Userful Selectors Examples: $("#selectDiv") //will return an array containing element which has id = selectDiv $("div") //will return an array containing all "div" elements. $(".header") //will return an array containing elements which has class name = header $("input[name='emailaddress']") //will return an array containing "input" elements which has name = emailaddress Go to jQuery Selectors Demo page to see this live. There are lots of such selectors available in jQuery to help developers. You can check out more of them here: http://docs.jquery.com/Selectors jQuery ChainabilityIt's a magical concept in jQuery to make code short and simple. Every jQuery method returns query object itself so it will allow performing function on it and maintaining a chain. Example: $("div").addClass("sample").html("html changed").show(); This code will add class "sample" to all divs, will replace its inner HTML with "html changed" and make all divs visible. jQuery Object AccessorsObject accessors can be used on returned object from any of jQuery selector. The most useful method is each; it will help to loop through every element matched by selector and execute a function with context of this element. Example: If we want to place JavaScript confirm message on click of delete link in a grid, assume this link contains class "removeItem" $(".
removeItem").each{function() Go to jQuery Object Accessors Demo page to see this sample live. jQuery EventsjQuery has great collection of event related helpers, you can check them out here http://docs.jquery.com/Events. For event handling, bind and unbind is most usable methods. Example: $("p").bind("click",
function() This code will add onclick event handler to all paragraphs in document and on click of them will append text "clicked" to the clicked paragraph function
clickMe() $("p").bind("click",clickMe); // Will bind clickMe function on click event of paragraphs $("p").unbind("click",clickMe); // Will unbind clickMe function on click event of paragraphs jQuery has document ready event which helps to run methods when DOM is ready to be traversed and manipulated.
$(document).ready(function() This will append "This text appended on DOM ready" to paragraphs available in document when DOM is ready. Go to jQuery Events Demo page to see this example live. For more details on DOM ready please visit: http://docs.jquery.com/Events/ready#fn Ajax using jQuery and ASP.NETAjax with jQuery is really simple to achieve. There are enough options to get asynchronous reply from server with jQuery Ajax. "load" method is a simplest form of jQuery Ajax, It will load html content in document element returned from server Example of jQuery Ajax load method: $("#serverResponse").load("AjaxCall.aspx");
// Response from page AjaxCall.aspx will get loaded in Go to jQuery Ajax Demo page to see it live. jQuery Ajax with JSON dataJSON(Javascript Object Notation) is great form of data to transfer in an Ajax call, Please visit http://json.org for more details on JSON. There are lots of free code and libraries available for asp.net to generate JSON data. Json.Net is one among them. I've created simple method using Json.Net which will return JSON representation of a datatable. public
static string
datatableToJSON(DataTable dt) Now we will try to parse this JSON data and build a grid out of this data at client side. It is really simple task using jQuery: $.ajax({type:"POST",
// jQuery ajax with POST method Go to jQuery Ajax JSON Demo page to see this example live. Effects with jQueryjQuery has inbuilt effect methods. Show, hide, slideDown, slideUp, toggle, fadeIn, fadeOut, animate etc. are few of them. Almost effect method has parameter for duration and callback function, callback function will get called after finishing an animation of effect. jQuery Effects Example: $('#divSample').hide(1000);
// will hide the div "divSample", and it will animate
for 1000 miliseconds jQuery allow us to create our own animation using "animate" method: $("#divSample3").animate(
// will animate the div "divSample" Go to jQuery Effects Demo page to see this effects live. There are lots of thing in jQuery which I could not cover in this article, I recommend you to visit http://jquery.com/ and http://docs.jquery.com/Main_Page to learn more about jQuery. Tutorial toolbar: Tell A Friend | Add to favorites | Feedback | Google |